Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sammy's New Game

Ohhhh's some game alright.

It's called "Where did Kayla's toys go?"
It consists of McKayla sitting on the floor and playing or talking to her toys....
and me leaving the room to do....well anything....

Well in the 5.2 seconds I am gone..
Sammy will manage to pull away ALL her toys and place them carefully out of her reach (usually on the couch or under her playpen) thus gaining his goal and sucessfully frustrating his sister. Then in a "I told you not to mess with me" attitude and tone he says sternly " No toys kay kay....Sammy said no...thats kaka"

Then he will precede to play with the one she happened to be enjoying at the time just out of her reach!

Next comes the wail.

*shakes her head* How have I figured this bug's game out?


I have hidden many a times now to see what he would do if I left the room..and this new (and seemingly favorite) game has been on going for about a week now. *sigh*
And ya wanna know the best news of all?

Everyone keeps sayin...

it only gets worse.

ha .... ha ..... ha


  1. lol... well he is the big brother..he must show her that he is eldest and of course.."the boss". It sounds harmless and Sammy has a good big heart. He won't like seeing her cry too much longer..give him a big hug from us in VIRGINIA

  2. Being the youngest child, I feel badly for McKayla! But Sammy's just doing what big brothers are trainged to do LOL

    Hey - you have word verification and this is my third freakin attempt at it ggggrrrrr

  3. Kids will be kids! We deal with the same stuff with Dominic although he just takes the toys and makes Damien watch him play with it in tears. They are always after the same trucks and cars.
