18 Month Well Baby Check
McKayla had her 18 month appt today.
Funny how she recognizes the dr.'s office..
and associates it with pain!
no, actually it WASN'T funny at all.
She has developed a HORRIBLE aversion (sp?) to strangers.
And God forbid you LOOK at her wrong or even...
say "hi"
O.k .....maybe it's time for one last FINAL nickname change......
I hear-by dub/name thee....
ms. drama queen
like you didn't see THAT one coming!
Here are her "official"stats:
Weight: 23 Lbs 4 oz
Height: 32.5 inches (2' 8.5")
Head Cir: 18.82"
So that puts her in the (not that it matters) .....
95% for weight
95% for height
95% for HC
Oh and she got the dreaded shots. The DTaP, Pneumococcal (say that 3 times fasy....hell..just try pronouncing it) and the hepatitis A.
She screamed the WHOLE time.
I, of course was OUTSIDE the room....
But even BEFORE it was time for shots she was screaming.
The nurse said she had EXCELLENT lung capacity (she held her breath in between cries)
I could have told her that! LOL
SO, we are home
I am beat from the mental aspect.
McKayla vows never to forgive me.....giving me the "stink eye" every opportunity she can....while clinging to my neck as tight as possible. (manage that!)
She has 3 band-aids to cover her "battle" scars. Of course those were pulled off within 5 min.
And she is a cranky little girl.
Today is going to be SOOOO much fun.
*rolls her eyes*
At least she is as healthy as a horse!~ (is that how the saying goes?)
Oh yeah and
P.S Mothers Day was WONDERFUL!!! I love a day off.....even if I have twice as much to do the next day! Thanks hun!
Sounds like a great checkup!