Thursday, July 26, 2007

8 more days and counting

Well....the kids and I have exactly 8 days left on the beautiful island of Oahu.

We have been beyond busy....with packing, sorting, and donating things.

BUT....with the stress of it all...

we manage to have a little fun..

Here are my 2 ruggies *gosh I love them*...playing together...

Here is Drama Mama helping me pack! :)

*****deleted one of Kayla cleaning in her birthday suit...sorry******

Next we have Kaiberg (nickname) and the drama mama boogie-boarding...

Mommy and Bug after a swim...


My 2 sweeeeeet Men! :)

"you talkin' to me?"'s the Bug Monster!....

Now since Sheri had posted a few priceless pictures of Ad doing I thought I would share these...

Find any gold in there guys?

Better get back to packing. I'll have more pictures once we get moved and I can find everything!! LOL


P.S Please continue to keep Rachel and her family in your prayers. They are an awesome family.


  1. they are just so cute! Love the fingers up the nose pictures - glad my kids are the only gross ones! haha

  2. Too cute pics!
    I love the pic with her in the box. She looks so much like you in that picture.

    You have gorgeous kids!

    We snapped one of Jana digging for gold the other day! I'll have to remember to post it for you.

    Good to hear from you - I bet you are super busy.

    Good luck packing!



  3. Oh K, they are SOOOOOOOOO sweet!!!!!!!! Hey, I am looking for your email, but take the birthday suit one down - I had a friend who posted a pic like that, innocently, and it landed on a nasty site. I am looking for your email.

    They are GORGEOUS! Isn't it so fun having a boy and girl? I have to look and see where you're moving?!

  4. That video is CRACKIN' me up!

  5. Lu keeps sayin,' Kids, mom! Kids!' she LOVES that video!

  6. Very Cute! Dominic ALWAYS picks his nose. So yucky! I am on him all the time about that and being Al Bundy when he sleeps. (sigh)

  7. Hey you! Been thinking about you! The kids are cute, as always! Give me a call when you have a moment!

  8. Oh, LOVE the pix! I bet you are absolutely stressed to bits. But, this will be behind you before you know it. Hugs!

  9. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I don't know if you remember me from Bellows last summer, Jane Connor ;-) We had connecting cabins and our boys were fast friends.
    well, I fianlly found you after a few failed attempts at reaching you by phone in the past. Read your cool blog- Your kids are soooo cute! I was all happy to tell you our good news about us moving TO Hawaii!! (Troy is getting a position at Camp Smith!) And I was all excited to get Sammy and Andrew together! And Andrew has been talking about Sammy all these months! Is this Murphy's Law or what that your moving?! Ughhh..I am happy for your family for sure, but bummed we will miss you by only 1 month! (We move in Oct)
    Here's my email if you'd like to get in touch.
    I hope your move goes smoothly and that things fall quickly into place in NC
    Take care,
    Jane C.

  10. Hope the move goes well! And thank you so much for taking time to wish my mom a happy birthday!

