Friday, December 16, 2005

WOW!!! Guess it has been a while since I last posted huh? I have gotten to FINALLY meet my daughter! She decided to make her appearance on November 11, 2006....Veteran's Day. It all started out pretty funny actually, I had gotten up to go shee shee for like the 18th time that night, and I went to lay back down, all the while thinking of how I wish she would come, and how i hoped she wasn't late....It was about 4:20 a.m. and I layed back down in bed.....about 10 min later, i felt this little "pop" and warm water just poured out....I knew I hadn't peed on myself since i had JUST gone....I jumped up out of bed..scared out of my mind...and ran in to the living room to wake up Brad. ( He had been sleeping out there on a futon bed for about 5 mos , because i kept getting up to pee, and I had to have the windows shut..which made him sweat)....I told him to get up, it was time, and he FLEW out of bed....I got my bag (already packed) ....and call Jane and heart is going a million times a minute....I am soooo scared..the contractions start hard.....we run to the has to stay behind and watch sammy... Jane is no where in sight and we are about to leave her...Dad starts hollerin down the hall for her to hurry up......she makes it in the nick of time........Brad and her are so excited....meanwhile I am soo frightened. We get into the car, and race to the hospital...Jane calls to let them know we are on our way. We go in through the emergency room, and are brought down to Labor and Delivery.....they see I am in active labor, and rush to prep a room. I am the only patient there at the time so the whole ward is there, and running around....they hook me up to all the monitors...check me for dialation ( i was 4 cm, for 48 hours..per my dr appt 2 days before)..I was at 4 and a half but the contractions were comin...and STRONG...I asked for my one right away1 (thank God)...and was great for about 30 min.....then I started feeling the contractions again....and hard! Then this unbelievable feeling to push came over me and I shouted I had to push......the nurses all ran in and checked me and said that yes I was ready to push but Ihad a small piece of cervix in the way..she was going to massage ito ut of the way....well....I was feeling every contraction FULL force, and her probing me hurt, so i just about punched her..all the while yelling I HAD to push.....after about 30 min of pushing out came McKayla Sue at 8:56 a.m weighing 6lbs 12 oz..and 18 inches long! She had a perfectly round head, and a head full of dark brown/red hair. She screamed and screamed! But was so healthy! We stayed in the hospital for 24 hours...(sammy stayed with Popo and Papa) Though they came to visit us later that night. Sammy was So shy and unsure of what to do. We came home, mommyhad a slight breakdown :) I was worried about her feeding....and she was so small. We had 4 blissful days to ourselves...then Grandma, great grandma, and grandma's fiance all arrived from PA. For 2 WEEKS! The visit was actually nice..even if it was a bit stressful.....then came my mom and step dad. Right now we are in the middle of that visit! It is going nice, but I am looking forward to having 'normalcy" return..whatever that may be. McKayla is 5 weeks old today, and life is good. She is a happy, healthy, HUNGRY baby, and its hard to imagine a life where we didnt have her! Sammy LOVES her very much, and asks to hold her all the time! We are truly blessed! I'll be back on more.....the baby calls to be fed!

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