Friday, January 15, 2010

OK Here is the latest!~

I had a meeting with both Mrs. Fullerton and Mrs Williams in the principals office today at 10. The meeting lasted approx 50 minutes and I walked away feeling relieved and hopeful.

The meeting started with me talking for about 15 minutes making sure we were all on the same page with the concerns we had.

I brought up the phone calls, the notes, the frustrations etc...

Then we let Mrs Fullerton who is his guidance counselor and Friendship group leader have her say since she has dealt with Sam for the last 4 months. She went on to say that though Sam was shy and introverted in class...he by NO means seemed to be "delayed" in ANY way. And from what she has observed he has just had a difficult time adjusting. His academics are fine, and he is not a behavior problem. Just a normal 7 year old little boy who is a little "lost" right now. Struggling a little "socially". Sh was going to spend some one on one time with him and get an idea of how he is feeling since maybe he is worried about MY feelings.

Then it was Mrs. Williams (the principals) turn....she went on to say that she had just come from observing Sam in Mrs Angels class (his reading teacher) and that he seemed quite comfortable there. Even when given an assignment to do on his own. She went on to repeat that she looked through all his files and that he had had comments in the past about independence and needing that tiny nudge....but for the most part was an EXCELLENT student (her words not mine).

BUT... she was ALSO concerned that Sam was backtracking in the fact that he was pretty open in NC and completely closed off here....but went on to say that the BIGGEST mistake she thinks I could make right now is pulling him out of 2nd or making him repeat it. Because he is too smart to be going backwards, and if all this, is really about a self esteem issue then that would big the biggest blow we could give him. She re-iterated that he DID NOT need to repeat any grade NOR be pulled out and placed back in 1st. (I agreed, as thats what I thought too, but when your grasping at straws She said she would continue to "pop" in on Sam's class to see how he is as well...and see how he is interacting with Mrs Taylor.

I also let them know he had started karate last week, and was starting cub scouts this Sat....and Mrs Williams went on to say how in the 18 years she has been principal she has seen karate do an ENORMOUS amount of good in SO many different areas in students. focus. confidence. organization. respect. etc...

So that we were taking EXACTLY the right first step...

We all talked more on things, and she said she would talk to Mrs Taylor and ask her to have a little more patience with Sam..she would bring up the concerns I had, and ask her to maybe give him a little nudge, or word of ENCOURAGEMENT to get him going. Because thats how Sam rolls....

:) :) :)

We are waiting 2 weeks and then meeting again to see if the karate and the help from Mrs Taylor has made a difference...

I am already seeing one when he puts that uniform on and how he is excited to tell people at school. So maybe this IS what he needed. ! :)

P.S HUGE thanks to Tera, Rach, Mom and Popo for all your support. Family and friends ROCK!~


  1. Hooray for HELPFUL meetings with school officials. :o) I'm glad things went well and I hope his teacher starts laying off on the phone calls. I realize she has concerns but come ON.

    Keep us posted!:o)

  2. I am really glad they are going to talk to the teacher that was my concern all along when I read your posts, I never had to much of a concern with Sam. Really was concerned the teacher was being a little to abrupt with him and that was making him fold. I hope it all works out and it sounds like you have a wonderful support system at the school and with your family and friends so that is HUGE!!
