Monday, April 16, 2007

Picasso?? Michealangelo?? you ask...


it's just monchichi's wonderful works of art.

O.K why didn't someone warn me.

Bug NEVER did this...


Mind you...this is just a FEW shots of her "works in progress"

This would be our floor.

This would be the side of their bunkbed.

Next we have my dresser...

Our bathroom door...

Where was mommy while she was doodling her priceless works??

trying to figure out WHERE she got those darn crayons from...

I have tried to encourage her to use paper....

but she is like her mother.

Need I say more?


  1. You were on the computer!!! That's where you were!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But it's so purrrdy Kristi! Now go to the store and buy a few boxes of Mr Clean Erasers.

  2. LOL at Sabrina's comment about being on the computer too funny! I was going to suggest the Mr Clean Erasers but she beat me on that!

  3. My car window beside Ella's carseat looks just like your floor! Ella found a pack of crayons and just went to town while I was driving and I couldn't stop and take them away from her. :-)
