Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This is Kristi Ann.

This is Kristi Ann's luck...

This is Kristi Ann's luck whenever she wants to plan something.


Met a great family a few weeks back. Troy, Jane, Maddie (their daughter) and their 2 sons Andrew and Ryan.
We met at Bellows beach (see post from a few weeks back), had a GREAT time..and Sammy and the 2 boys got along great! We even got together the following weekend at the Hale Koa Hotel (where they were staying since they left bellows)...they were on vacation since Troy had just gotten back from a deploy of 6 months to Iraq.
Bless her heart!! And his!!

Anyway to make a long story short...we hung out and had a wonderful time....passing our contact information for when they went back ( I think it was to minnesota )
Well...Jane called (yay!) and let me know her best friend was in town (hawaii) with her family and kids and would like to meet my family since we had all had a great time.


So I tell her it is fine for her (Jane) to pass my number along and I get Connie's.

We call, talk... get along great..... so we make plans to go to the Zoo monday since her husband is here on business and she is stuck at the hotel all day with 2 younguns and no car. ( no fun!)

Told Sammy he wasnt going to school but was going to the zoo and meet some new friends.

Boy was he excited! (this was all on Sat)

Well....Sunday night comes around.....and was no fun.

Kayla was SO stuffed up she couldn't breathe. And she had this cough that sounded like barking. She has had what I thought was a cold for the last 2 weeks (or teething)

Well...the cough had me VERY worried. She woke up about 15 times coughing and almost throwing up she would cough so hard.

So I called Connie and let her know I would have to postpone cause I wanted to bring Kayla in in case she had an ear infection or a virus that just wouldnt go away! (Like 1 of the 200 they said sammy had 2 weeks ago)

In I go.

For almost 4 HOURS!

Turns out...

McKayla has pneumonia.

She had to have a breathing treatment.

X rays.

And 2 viles of blood drawn.

ALL of which she SCREAMED and cried through!

Needless to say...

I cried right along with her!

The Xrays are the WORSE!

They sit them in this plastic chair type thing with their legs poking under. Then you have to raise their arms above their head while they clamp a HUGE plastic thing around their middle preventing them from lowering their arms! It is TOTAL torture! And to make me stand there and hold her arms just to make sure she was still..... was my own personal h- e -double hockeysticks!

They said if I had waited any longer to bring her in they would have to admit her. As it was he said he was tempted to...but gave me the option of taking her home and bringing her back for treatments.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......My baby came home with me!

So....there you have it...

my luck.

my poor baby.

Poor Connie...

poor worried dh.

poor neglected (yeah right) Sammy

Oh and have I mentioned?



  1. Oh sweetheart!!!! I can't believe it!!! And to think I was getting on here to yell at you for disappearing on me!!!! I sure hope that McKayla is starting to feel better. Huge Hugs coming your direction!!!! Is Sammy sick too??? I sure hope not!

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    OMG, those x-rays sound horrible! I am so sorry. I hope that she recovers quickly. Hang in there!!

  3. When Alex was 6 months old and had bronchitis and an earinfection we had to do Xrays at the ER. Dave held her feet and I held her arms and she SCREAMED bloody murder on that table. I also had to wear a huge heavy ass apron while doing this since we decided to stop taking Birth Control!!!

    No fun. I hope she's better soon.

  4. oh that sounds so awful! Poor mommy and McKayla having to go through that! Your luck sucks girl!!!
