Wednesday, November 08, 2006

3 days and counting...

Till my baby is 1 year old! It is so hard to believe how much change 1 year can bring!

1 year ago..

I was HUGE and counting the days until I would get to meet my daughter face to face. Praying and hoping for a safe delivery! Waddling around, eating up everything in sight! I remember I was already 3 cm dialted and he had told me I could deliver any day. I was getting phone calls every day asking "is today the day?" finally I had to change my answering message to "Hasn't happened yet, but you're on the list to call...please leave a message if this call is regarding anything else" ...ha ha
She was SUCH a kicker too. I should have known that even then she was trying to tell.....wait, scratch that...WARN me for what was ahead! And poor Sammy...he had NO IDEA what was coming! :) Brad was beyond excitment. And loved to watch her roll around and stick out various body parts (an elbow here, and knee there) And though I wasn't sleeping through the night (due to a little someone slamming down on my bladder) I WAS at least catching around 3-4 hours in a row....PLUS the occasional nap during the day.

And now...

a year later, I have this beautiful, stubborn, dramatic, adorable, loving little girl. STILL no sleep, mind you...even less since she insists on nursing throughout the night, and has wormed her away into our bed. BUT the pure joy she brings, the pure joy Sammy brings as he grows! You can't even begin to describe that! Sammy has gone from this timid shy little boy, to this rambuncious, happy, stubborn, loving little man! His vocabulary has gotten AMAZING in a year, though there are times when I just want to stick cotton balls in my ears with the "mommmmmeeeeee........Kayla's touching me"...and "mom can I have....." 's. He is in Pre-K now, and LOVES school! Brad is still with his company and seems to be happy for the most part. though we are both looking forward to the day we move back to the mainland to buy a house and be closer to more family. *the trick will be convincing Papa and Jane to move as well* LOL yeah right. Anyway....I have to say that it has been one CRAZY, WONDERFUL, Adventure, and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for us!

For McKayla's birthday we were thinking about doing this HUGE hoop-la thing with a tent, bouncer and catered food at the beach...but after talking it over with DH we decided to wait until she is around 3 and has a few friends to enjoy it all with. I know in HAwaii it is a huge tradition to have a party (they spend as much as they would on a wedding sometimes, I kid you not) and all that..but we really can't see doing all that when she won't have a clue, and it would be mostly adults. SO...instead we have decided to just go to HAwaiian Water Adventures and make a day of it there. She LOVES the water, and Sammy didnt get to go for his it would be fun for the whole family! As far as her presents go, we normally like to buy 1 big thing and then a few smaller things. (These kids are SPOILED enough! :))So for her "big" present we decided to get her a little kitchen to play with. She loves to play with Sammy's Little Tykes tool bench so I was something I could play with her with as well! Plus Sammy plays with is at school, so it was something they could play with together as well.

well, the princess sleeps....and Kai is on his way over...Sammy at school. So I better do one last child proof sweep before he gets here! My love to all!!~~

TTFN~~ Ta Ta For Now!


  1. one year almost! WOW It's crazy how fast it's gone by! I can't wait to see pictures of the princess on her special day!

  2. Happy Birthday McKayla!
