Monday, February 05, 2007

Sucess in steps

McKayla's transition to the crib is going much better than expected.

She is definetly one for routines.

As long as there is one....she's good to go.

At first it was...mommy and Kayla go into the back room around 7:45 and I would lay down in our bed with her and nurse her to sleep (most nights taking up to 45 min). And then she would sleep in our bed waking up every hour and a half to 2 hours crying to nurse again.....repeat throughout night. *shakes her head*


around 7:30 I pick her up and sit with her to nurse (trying to break this part of it...but it's kinda her cue that its bedtime) out in the living room. Then when she is done, I pick her up (at this point she is already waving bye-bye to daddy) and tell her its time for bed. Time to say nite-nite to daddy and sammy. She does, blowing her sweet kisses along the way. Halfway down the hall I start singing (in my OH SO wonderful voice *smirks*) "twinkle twinkle little star". We walk into the back bedroom since the crib is in our room...shut the curtains, turn on the humidifier (for noise..I need to get something different)...all the while singing (she is humming with her head against my shoulder...and it feels like she is clinging to me getting all the snuggle time she can while she can) She loves her back to be I'll finish the song standing by her crib rubbing her back. I'll lay her down with George (the monkey), a blanket, and her body pillow IN the crib. And now she sleeps until between 3-5. WHICH Is MAJOR steps for us! :)

Can I get an AMEN?!?

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