Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Have you ever had a moment when your kids did something so embarrassing.....

you wish you could stop time and rewind back to change the events???

I KNOW those of you out there with older kids have had to have had at least ONE of these moments!?! If you haven't.....


Well....it started out great really.

I had decided to take all the kids (Sammy, Alexis, Matthew, and McKayla...Mason went with the "big boys" to Home Depot, he was so proud.) to the playground since it was such a nice day.

We decided to walk...wasn't THAT far (LOL...my legs STILL hurt)

We get there, and the kids played for about an hour....then my friend Amber called, and we decided to do a play date with her girls! (HI TO ALAINA AND AVA) They arrive..and all is peachy.

The kids are having a blast playing with each other...and Amber and I are enjoying catching up.

Then I hear someone pouring out my water. ( Hey.. I NEED that for hydration ya know!)

I look over my shoulder to see who the culprit was........

And Sammy was peeing on the ground right behind us.

Pants around his ankles....

Smile on his devilish face...

I jumped up and yelled out (more in shock than anything)...scaring the rest of the pee right out of him...AND getting everyones attention that is on the playground.

**OK dilema..do I tell him good boy for NOT peeing his pants?...OR do I yell at him for peeing right on the ground in front of everyone?***

I try to expain to him, that I am glad he didn't go potty in his pants...BUT he should let mommy know when he has to go,,, since he should go in a potty.

**OK...ANother question....WHERE in the world did he get that from??**

*shakes her head* Could only be ONE person.

I call his father.

Sure enough...while in PA...at the storage unit...the offices were closed and Brad had to go....

Well.....enough said?

Amber couldn't speak.

She just laughed her head off.

The kids watched...and didnt know weather to laugh or be disgusted.,..but they ALL had the 'hey how come HE can do it, and I can't" look.

Then of course Matthew decides...he has to go.
Not being one with a good track record of holding it..I tell him to find a tree. (At least he is HIDDEN this time)

*sigh* Sammy, Sammy Sammy Matthew Matthew Matthew


  1. Tee hee hee! Well at least he didn't go in his pants! See I can laugh since it wasn't my kid ... yet :o(

  2. That was sooo funny! I will always remember that..and can't wait till Sammy gets older so I can tell him all about it! :-)

  3. Dave pees around our yard all the time. (don't forget we live in the country) I yell at him because I'm afraid Dominic may think that's cool and start. That is funny though! Glad it was you and not me!!

  4. That is what we do in PA! I learned to pee in a bush at a VERY young age! :) Of course that does not mean that you want Sammy doing it in the middle of the playground! I grew up in the country in PA and peeing in a bush or on a tree, depending on gender, was a very acceptable thing to do! I would not want my kids peeing outside in Chicago!!!!!!! Hope you are still having fun!!!!

  5. when do you get home? I miss ya!

  6. I am headed back to PA again! Where are you at now???? You need to get home girl, I miss talking to you!

  7. I'm tagging you so you'd better be home to do this. LOL Read my blog to find out your mission.

  8. Umm.. you must be having a great time in New York to not be blogging! I miss you guys! I wish you could've stayed longer here. :-(
    Have a Happy Easter!
