Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Weeeee'rrreee Baaaaccckkk!

Man is it good to be home! We loved seeing everyone and all, but boy, oh boy, ohhhhhhh boy...*shakes her head*....is it GOOD to be home. :)
I will save everyone from falling asleep at my story..though it WAS non-stop!

The great part:
I sure did LOVE getting to see everyone from church and friends from long, long ago (I'd tell you how long, but then I'd have to kill ya LOL)
We DID save ourselves a LONG trip to NC. *rolls her eyes* be positive Kristi..positive
Spending the time i got to spend with my mom and Cody was fantastic
Meeting Trovena and her WONDERFUL kids
Finding out my brother was eloping to the carribean on the 18th (CONGRATS TO THEM)
Spending time with my sister in law Kirsty and her love Earl...(sure miss her)
Reminicing (can't spell sorry..LOL) with Brad on our 1st...well everything! LOL
EATING AT THE OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing my grandparents and having them meet my daughter
Meeting my cousins daughter Ava (in pictures)..and Congrat's on her pregnancy.

The..ahem...shoddy part:
Sammy caught this "roto" virus..and ended up in the hospital on an IV getting some therapy treatment....this went on for 5 days. *sigh*
I had McKayla with me in the hospital and no help! *pats where her hair used to be*
Sammy had to go home with the IV needle in his arm..and go back for treatments daily.
The Shots.....need I say more? *add in a towel to wrap him in to pin him down, and 2 nurses to help..and me*
Could not please anyone...to save my life..I tried. and failed
Never made it to NC to show Brad the area I want to move to when we buy a house.
Found out the UHAUL I wanted to rent would run us around $1200..when I had anticipated around 400. *o.k..BIG lesson learned here...CHECK ..BEFORE you spend $3000 to go*
Well....I would go on....but...I DID say i wouldnt put you to sleep!..AND I actually got tired of hearing myself complain..*imagine that ..LMBO*

Anyway...I just tried to post the pic's but it isn't working. I'll try later...HI TO EVERYONE!! I SUUUUUREE HAVE MISSED YA!
I have SOOO much catching up to do.
Can you believe Kayla is 5 months old! Ahhhh! :):) She is SOOOO sweet! And Sammy is talking up a storm...i seriously CAN'T get him to shush up! :):):)



  1. Kristi- I am glad your are home. Sorry about the virus stuff! I hope you are all better now! I have really missed you. We need to talk in email once you catch up on my blog. PLEASE email me!

  2. YIKES on the virus! I am glad you were able to reconnect with your family! I missed you though! Welcome back!!

  3. hmmmm... sad to see you go but glad you had some nice memories to take home with you... tell Sammy and Mckayla we miss them!-P.S. When do Josh and Tee get back so I can go and get the baby thing?

  4. Aw I'm so glad you had a great trip!!! Sounds so exciting and definitely what you needed!!!
