Friday, February 01, 2008

We made it!

We had an uneventful 5 hour drive down/up (whatever!) to Virginia.

darn is it cold here.

too cold.

I'm going home!

LOL j/k

Anyway...Bug is doing better..recovering from a 103.8 temp, and a terrible cold. To include chest congestion. *yuck* He got better in time to make the trip yesterday. *whew*

So we have been enjoying spending time with family and catching up. Bug is in HEAVEN! I swear that kid would trade me in a heartbeat if he could.

Now, I am sitting here waiting for my Dad's plane to arrive. He was delayed in Chicago due to the weather, and his flight has been cancelled 2 times already. I just checked and it looks like 3rd times the charm. He is "in air".

The kids are SO excited to see their grandparents. Popo and Papa have a great relationship with them, and it has been FAR too long since they have seen each other.

Since we left Hawaii in August as a matter of fact.

Anyway, I have a few pictures to post...I'll try to get to that soon.

Other than that....

well wishes to ALL!~



  1. What a cute picture!

    I'm glad the Bug is doing better. I HATE it when kids are sick. :o(

    Enjoy your visit with family and friends! :o)

  2. Glad he got off the ground from here! I am actually surprised he got out! I am snowed in today!!

  3. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I bet he has/had the flu virus. The doctor told me that she had already confirmed 11 cases of it the same day before I took Ava in and it was all the type A (all before 11am). She's like totally normal other than the fever and cough..which the fever is gone but cough still lingering..I am glad you guys get to spend time with your dad and Jane. Tell them I said hello..sorry can't visit..confined to the house.

  4. I hope he is beter soon! Have a great trip!
