Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Here is a pic of my "bad" mama!!

*thanks Nana for the Steeler tattoo's!*

What a ham...what a ham indeed. This is just one of the poser pictures she did for me. I'll be back on to post them soon!

Hope everyone had a GREAT NEW YEAR....and PLEASE keep in touch!

Leave a comment if you can...I often wonder who jumps on to check in on us!~ You can leave a comment under anonymous, and then put your name at the bottom. Of course if you haven't the time..I understand! Peace, Love, and Happiness all!~~



  1. Hi Kristi Ann! I just wanted to let you know that I do love to read your blog (especially with all the pictures of your ADORABLE family), although I often have a hard time keeping up, so I don't usually post comments.

    I also wanted to say thank you for your kind and supportive comments on my blog.

  2. What a ham!!!!!!! She is SO cute!!!! And growing up TOO fast!

  3. aaaaawww she's adorable!!!!!
