Saturday, January 27, 2007

If you have pearls....

I HIGHLY recommend putting them on while you do your housework! *grins*''

no, I'm not drinking (as a matter of fact I am not a drinker AT all! lol)

I have just decided, that since I don't get many occasions to wear them, Why not?

They are just hanging in my bathroom....begging to be let off the "hook" ...(get it? I have them on a hook ....ha ha ha...*shakes her head*)

And honestly

McKayla has worn them more times than I have.

She thinks they are hers.

As a matter of fact....

as soon as I put them on (necklace and bracelet)...

she started grunting and pointing giving me the "stink eye"..

when she realized I wasnt parting with them (hey...I felt "pretty"....*laughs out loud*)

She shook her fist at me (yes, she actually does this! where she got it??....I have NO clue!) and stomped off to get her "baby" (a cabbage patch doll)

Well...I continued to clean.

I'm telling you.

It put a "hop" in my "skip" or a "jump" in my "step.....

oh however that saying goes. *rolls her eyes*

Everytime I bent down to get a dish out of the dishwasher to put away, my pearls would brush up against me, and I would just feel "pretty" all over again!

It didnt even feel like I was cleaning!

goofy I know!~


if YOU have anything that you dont get to wear often that makes you feel good....

I HIGHLY recommend doing your housework in them! (maybe not the dirty, dirty stuff....but the simple picking up and light dusting.)

You may be surprised!~

Note to self: Wear pearls more often!! (Thanks Cody!~)


  1. That's so cute.. I usually wear my 4" heels while cleaning..that seems to help me feel good.. :-) LOL-just kidding ..but that is a good idea.. and always put on music. :-)

  2. That is a great idea! I will do that tomorrow when I clean!

    I also recommend using your good dishes and lighting those pretty candles that just sit there. Honest, eating off the good plates makes dinner taste that much better!

  3. I have a couple pieces of "fine" jewelry that I never get to wear because I never get to go anywhere! I have actually told Q to quit buying me really nice jewelry because I never have a chance to wear it. I will have to start wearing it when I feel good enough to clean again! Maybe I will just put it on while I am sitting here on the couch to see if it helps me not feel so bad!

  4. I kept waiting for your sweet hubby to come home and sweep you off your feet in your pearls! :)

    Hey, anything that make cleaning a little easier, go for it! I'd give anything to have an empty house for a Saturday, turn the digital cable 80s music channel on and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. Otherwise, I just ignore it! :)

    Cute on the fist shaking. It's funny what they pick up.
