Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to Mom/Grandma!!!!

Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to youuuu,
Happy birthday dearrrrr mommmmmm/graaaaandmaaaa,
Happy Birthday to you!

How old are you again? 29? ar ar

No, wait... I'M 29! LOL.....
no, wait.... I'm supposed to say I'm 18 right...cause there is NO way you would have a daughter THAT old....that would make you...........



No, really....wish I were there to celebrate mom is actually off TDY...she gets back thurs...just in time for us to get there! (well, we dont get there till friday afternoon...time change and all) So we will have to celebrate it a little late!

I tried to post some pictures....but for some reason BLOGGER isn't working..I'm almost afraid to publish since I lost my last "flat stanley" post! grrrrr *long story*

Ah we go...let's give it a whirl'

**gotta go pack....I'm SOOO lazy today...more rain, rain rain!**


  1. I'm glad you'll be there to celebrate soon enough!

  2. Have a safe trip! Enjoy the celebration!
